
viigo is the winner! [freeware, beta]

alright, so i didn't hold an official competition of sorts but i did install both viigo and freerange to my blackjack II to see which one i would favor the most and why. i couldn't feel right with judging a product just for its looks.

what i had previously said for the free freerange newsreader, about it not needing more than 10 feeds for my device is a crock of bleh.

i need to know how things are going in the NHL (3 feeds), general local news (3 feeds), national news (4 feeds), international news (3 feeds), health news 4 feeds), technical / health / devices/ scientific (5 feeds)... etc.

as you can see, i well surpass the 10 feed limit that one is allotted with freerange.

both readers can be managed from their web interfaces

viigo: i can't e-mail the news to my contacts; but, i can tweet it to the world.
freerange: 10 feeds, really... just 10 feeds?

final say, go with freerange if you don't need more than 10 feeds and go with viigo if you're a news whoring retweeter like me and don't care about seeing the words "beta" on the client.

Now playing: 07 - Mike Doughty - I Got the Drop on You
via FoxyTunes